The Warranty available for the PJC-25 is as follows:

DescriptionDomestic ApplicationsCommercial Applications
Combustion Chamber3 Years 3 Years1 Year1 Year if installed by Paloma
All Other Parts3 Years3 Years1 Year1 Year if installed by Paloma

Warranty Conditions

The warranty periods that are allocated for domestic use are based on heating requirements of a typical domestic dwelling. The warranty periods allocated under commercial use are for all other applications.

  • Terms of this warranty are effective from date of purchase and the attending service technician reserves the right to verify this date by requesting a copy of the purchase invoice / CoC prior to commencement of any warranty work.
  • These units must be installed correctly and the installation must conform to all regulations.
  • These units must be serviced, installed, commissioned, repaired, and removed by an authorised person.
  • No parts must be modified or removed from the unit.
  • These units must be operated and maintained in accordance with manufacturer‟s operating instructions.
  • This warranty applies only to the components supplied by the manufacturer. It does not apply to components supplied by others.
  • Where a failed component is replaced under warranty, the balance of the original appliance warranty will remain effective. The replacement part or appliance does not carry a new warranty.
  • We reserve the right to transfer functional components from defective appliances if they are suitable.
  • We reserve the right to have the installed product returned to the factory for inspection and repair.
  • Please note: general cleaning, maintenance, operation and wear & tear are not covered by the guarantee. Calls of this nature will be chargeable.

Warranty Exclusions

The following exclusions may cause the warranty to become void and may result in a service charge and costs of parts (if required):

  • Accidental damage and Acts of God.
  • Failure due to abuse or misuse, improper maintenance, failure to maintain or improper storage.
  • Failure due to incorrect or unauthorised installations.
  • Failure or damage caused by alterations, service or repair work carried out by persons other than our authorised service technicians or agents.
  • Where it is found that there is no fault with the appliance and the issue/s are related to the installation or is due to the failure of electric or gas supplies.
  • Moisture or water damage.
  • Dropping or physical damage to unit.
  • We do not accept liability for any consequential damage or any incidental expenses resulting from any breach of the warranty OR claims for damage to a building or any other consequential loss either directly or indirectly due to fire or any other faults.

Error Codes

Paloma Gas Heaters are fitted with self diagnostics electronics. Should a fault occur the heater will shut down and the fault with a pair of digits will be displayed in the display screen. Refer to the following table for probable cause and suggested remedy.

Check the items below before making a service call. You will be charged for attending to any condition or fault that is not related to manufacture or failure of a part.

Most common Paloma Gas Heater error codes:

Code Fault Probable Cause Remedy
3 Filter damaged or clogged Air filter is damaged

Call for service

Gas supply volume is inadequate

Call for a qualified person

5 Air Filter is abnormal Air filter is clogged or damaged Clean Air Filter and operate again. If problem persists, call for service
11 Ignition Failure

Heater Gas Hose not connected properly

Connect heater gas hose correctly and operate again. If problem persists call for service.

Gas valve is not fully opened or gas cylinder is empty

Check gas valve is fully open and operate again. If problem persists call for service.

The Gas supply volume is inadequate or regulation fail

Call for a qualified person to pressure test

12 Flame Failure

Air filter is clogged

Clean Air Filter and operate again. If problem persists call for service

Gas valve is not fully opened or gas cylinder is empty

Check gas valve is fully open and operate again. If problem persists call for service.

Room size less than specified room size requirements (incorrect heater sizing)

Open window slightly or install ventilation points and operate again. If problem persists call for service.

Insufficient ventilation (Oxygen Depletion Sensor has been activated)

Open window slightly or install ventilation points and operate again. If problem persists call for service.

The gas supply volume is inadequate or regulator failure

Call for qualified person

For any other error code, please contact your registered installer or contact Paloma directly.