Download a copy of the PJC-25 Paloma Gas Heater Customer Instructions here: Customer Instructions PJC-25

All purchasers of a Paloma Convection Gas Heater should take note of the Customer Operating and Installation PJC 25 Paloma Gas Heater Customer InstructionsInstructions. The manual explains the correct way that a Paloma Gas Heater should be installed by your nominated, qualified installer not only to ensure the heater works correctly and efficiently but also to ensure any warranty claims, are approved.

Paloma Gas Heater Warranty Information:

Please complete the details on page 2 for your records, as you will need them in the event of a warranty claim. Always keep this information together with your proof of purchase.

The warranty available for the PJC-25 is as follows:

DescriptionDomestic ApplicationsCommercial Applications
Combustion Chamber3 Years 3 Years1 Year1 Year if installed by Paloma
All Other Parts3 Years3 Years1 Year1 Year if installed by Paloma

Please note the full warranty conditions and exclusions on the warranty page.

Paloma Gas Heater Safety and Error Information:

Please familiarize yourself with the safety instructions that begin on page 7 under the headings: Danger, Warning and Caution to ensure the safe day-to-day use of your heater.

The Operating Instructions begin on page 11 and a troubleshooting guide has been included on page 20.

On Page 21 / 24 you will find a list of error codes for your Paloma Gas Heater. Should an error code flash on your heater, please take care to follow the suggested remedy carefully, so that you do not damage your gas heater. If in any doubt, please call your installer or return your heater to Paloma Gas South Africa.

For a quick guide to Paloma Gas Heaters error codes, view the list by clicking here

Should the error code read “call for service” please follow the procedure for back up service.

Maintaining your Paloma Gas Heater:

Be sure to carry out periodic inspection and maintenance by following the details on page 22.

With your Quick Release Adaptor, your Paloma Gas Heater can be safely stored away during warmer / summer months and brought out again when it gets cooler. Remember to do a full inspection and clean before use, after a prolonged period of storage.

Taking correct care of your Paloma Gas Heater will ensure many years of enjoyment!

Should you have any questions on the use, care or warranty of your Paloma Gas Heater, contact your installer or Paloma Gas SA directly